Women are the creator and preserver of everything that exists in this world. She holds a magic in her soul and body that endures everything which a life holds.
“Daring the Difference: The 3 L’s of Women’s Empowerment” was made by Christine Lagarde, in one of her many famous speeches that she made back in 2015. The 3Ls denotes Learning, Labor and Leadership. That’s the key ingredient of Women Empowerment according to the world leader. She concluded her speech in the following words-
Let me conclude today with some words from Sylvia Plath: “We shall by morning inherit the earth—our foot’s in the door”.We have certainly made great strides toward gender equality. But while our foot might be in the door, we are still standing outside—in the cold. It is now time to fulfil the promise—to create a world where every little girl from every corner of every continent can fulfil her potential without impediment and without prejudice. To make sure that nobody ever again will doubt for even an instant that a woman can be a top surgeon, or indeed a leader in any field that she might choose.
If we dare the difference, the difference will deliver.
Who would have ever thought that a girl with a shy smile from a small town like Azamgarh will create a brand of her own? An extraordinary story of a girl whose creativity and perseverance brought “Kabbish” a life of its own. Brand whose showcase its products at Lakme Fashion Week. With the right amount of support and love from her family and her own hard work, I’ve seen my childhood friend grow into an impeccable entrepreneur. The story behind her becoming illustrates one of the many true sense behind Women Empowerment.

Her journey from Azamgarh to Lucknow and then to Jaipur has been a tedious ride but a fruitful one. Fruits of which would be enjoyed by number of girls from small town and will surely act as an inspiration for them to not only dream big but also to make it big in real.
Empowering any person is important. But, empowering women in the real sense is the greatest necessity of the present times. It is important to make women realise their worth extends from kitchen and household chores to doing and achieving something of their own. It is important to make a women realise their worth lies in everything that exists and that they should become independent, be it emotionally, physically, mentally or financially.
With the amount of sanctity, perseverance and dedication that lies within a women, they can achieve anything that they set their mind and focus on.
Kabbish hold something more than just a business. It holds the story of revival of art that used to exist, the story of a dream becoming a reality, story of a young designer becoming a full-fledged businesswoman. Kabbish showcases not just attractive piece of jewellery but the imagination that lies behind their creation. Kabbish illustrates the wings of imagination, of how far it can fly. Kabbish is not just a brand, it is a complete story in itself.
Parul’s initiative to bring back life to black pottery is not only commendable but can make any person awestruck. Kabbish wiped out tears and fears of thousands of craftsman whose art was diminishing everyday with time. Kabbish brought back life and light in those craftsmen lives and pushed away the darkness that modern times had brought. That’s Kabbish – Because every pot and jewellery piece their holds a story. A significant story.
Margaret Thatcher has very rightly quoted that “If you want something said, ask a man; if you want something done, ask a woman.”

Aishwarya is a law graduate by profession and a reader, writer and chef by choice. For most of the time, you’ll find her in a cosy place with a cup of tea or coffee and some books or online articles. She’s an old school with an old soul which happens to be too conventional for this age. From her professional work to personal chores she believes to do everything with absolute love and precision.